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Hantu Bungkus Ikat Tepi (2015) 480P AAC PPVRIP PFT RELEASE

Hantu Bungkus Ikat Tepi
Three close friends Fuad, Fadli and Fendi stumble upon a lifeless body by the roadside and, in their panic, have tampered with the crime scene by touching the knife next to the body. They decide to wrap and burythe body. Instead of tying a knot at the top of the wrap, they tie it sideways so that they can easily identify it as the body they have buried if the police ever discover it. However, things do not go well for them after that night as they are haunted by the spirit of the dead man. They seek for help from Mimie to look for the body again, hoping that the spirit will not disturb them anymore after getting a proper burial.



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